welcome to the Manta Trust’s
Ocean Education Portal

Watch the short film to find out what’s on offer in the portal
We invite you to explore the portal, where you will find:
Our free Ocean Education Booklet, featuring 17 curriculum-linked lesson plans.
Manta Marvels, our series of science papers for kids.
Fun and educational activities to engage younger children, like our Marvin the Manta Ray computer game.
Video resources, including our Ocean Mindfulness Podcast and our Introduction to the Oceans and Sustainable Food videos.
Educator training workshops and resources.
Opportunity to book an interactive virtual class with a scientist.
Multilingual resources including French, Spanish, German and Brazilian Portuguese, more coming soon!

Our Ocean Education Story
The Manta Trust aims to conserve manta and devil rays and their habitats through research, collaboration, and education. Our educational mission is to:
Inspire people around the world to become knowledgeable about manta and devil rays and passionate about protecting ocean habitats.
We have a two-pronged approach to achieve this mission:
People around the world have access to high-quality marine education.
People around the world have a personal connection with nature, particularly the oceans.
Since 2015 we have been delivering high quality marine education that focuses on increasing personal connection to the ocean in the Maldives. In 2020, we upscaled our educational work, creating a series of webinars, science communication resources, ocean education lesson plans for teachers and activities for children, as well as delivering engaging virtual classes with schools. All of this passionate work has come together to form the Education Portal. We hope you enjoy browsing the portal as much as we enjoyed creating it for you!

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Your privacy is important to us, so we will always keep your details secure and never use them for marketing communications that you haven’t agreed to receive. We will never share your information with a third party.
By pressing “Sign Up”, you consent to the Manta Trust storing the personal data you're submitting in this form. You also confirm that you've read and agree with our Privacy Policy, and you're happy for the Manta Trust to use this personal data to contact you about our work and ways to support us.
We are working towards a sustainable future for the oceans where manta rays and their relatives thrive in healthy, diverse marine ecosystems, but we cannot do it without your help.

The Manta Trust has worked closely with a number of groups to facilitate and finance its educational aims. We are extremely grateful to our partners and sponsors for their support, without whom many of the charity's education achievements to date would not have been possible.