Video Resources
We have created videos to accompany some of our Ocean Education Lesson Plans or to be used as standalone educational tools.
Be sure to check this page regularly as we will add more resources in the future.

Introduction to the Oceans
We recommend playing this video during school assembly or class time to introduce students to the ocean topics you will study. It is also designed to be used with the Super Adaptations lesson plan.
Sustainable EATING
This video was created for the Planet-Friendly Feast lesson but can also be applied to other topics.
Ocean Mindfulness Podcast
This video was created for the Ocean Mindfulness lesson. We encourage educators use this podcast in different settings to encourage students to rest their minds and disconnect by connecting to nature.
Guess the Dive Signal
This video was created for the Nature Vocabulary lesson. Guess which animal the diver is signalling:
Check out our introduction video to get an insight into the world of manta rays, the Manta Trust and manta ray research.
In 2020, we hosted a series of webinars with inspiring manta ray researchers, underwater photographers and conservationists working around the world to research, document and protect our oceans.